Gifts For Collie Dog Owners
Collie Dog Painting on iPhone Cover
Collies are a very active and agile dog with a strong herding instinct. They have spread throughout the world after originating in the region of Scotland and Northern England with diversification into many breeds. Varieties include Border Collie, Rough Collie, Smooth Collie, Old English Sheepdog, Welsh Sheepdog or Shetland Sheepdog. The coat may be long, flat or short with a bushy, smooth or feathered tail with colors in combinations of black, tan, red or white.
The border collie is probably the most trainable of the breed and is an energetic and agile dog with great stamina making it a traditional herding companion with a highly motivated natural instinct for the job at hand. All collie breeds are gentle, loyal, intelligent and make good family pets.
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